Earn money by parking at Lyon Part-Dieu Station

  • You hand your car over to us when you don't need it, and we rent it out for you
  • It's free to park your car, whether or not it's rented out
  • You earn an average of €200 for ten days - save €150 on parking and earn €50 from the rental
  • The car is comprehensively insured against all risks by MAIF
park illustration

The latest car sharing reservations

Reserved on 3/14/16 by Nicolas - Parking near Lyon Part-Dieu from 3/31/16 to 3/30/17 - Long-term - Free of charge - saving estimated at €6,916 based on a rate of €19 per day
Reserved on 10/15/16 by Julie - Parking near Lyon Part-Dieu from 12/26/16 to 2/27/17 - Long-term - Free of charge - saving estimated at €1,216 based on a rate of €19 per day
Reserved on 10/16/16 by Quentin - Parking near Lyon Part-Dieu from 10/17/16 to 10/21/16 - Short-term - Free of charge - saving estimated at €80 based on a rate of €16 per day
Reserved on 2/23/16 by Nicolas - Parking near Lyon Part-Dieu from 3/2/16 to 10/7/16 - Long-term - Free of charge - saving estimated at €4,161 based on a rate of €19 per day
Reserved on 8/15/16 by Patricia - Parking near Lyon Part-Dieu from 8/16/16 to 9/21/16 - Long-term - Free of charge - saving estimated at €684 based on a rate of €19 per day
Reserved on 8/9/16 by Mouhamadou - Parking near Lyon Part-Dieu from 8/16/16 to 9/13/16 - Long-term - Free of charge - saving estimated at €551 based on a rate of €19 per day

Where is the parking lot located near Lyon Part-Dieu ?

Car park address

EFFIA Lyon Villette
68, rue Maurice Flandrin

Opening hours

7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
6:00 AM to 9:00 PM
6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Process and transfer

From Lyon Part-Dieu, you can reach our parking lot on foot in 7 minutes.

All the formalities are completed on the website
Therefore, the hand-over process will be very rapid on your day of departure.

We recommend that you arrive at Lyon Part-Dieu 27 minutes before the desired time.

100 m
© Mappy | 2014 TomTom

How free parking near Lyon Part-Dieu works

Thanks to Tripndrive you can now get free parking at Gare de Lyon Part Dieu. While you're away, your car is made available to another traveller. Your car is no longer left sitting idle in an expensive car park. You save money and it it gets hired out, you earn a bit too. The system is simple. Entrust it to Tripndrive before you leave and we will be your trusted intermediary and hire it out to another traveller. If there's any damage, it’s covered by our comprehensive insurance. Because the vehicle gets a photo inspection before and after each hire period, we always have a clear picture of the condition of your car. All you have to do is book at Lyon Part Dieu Station.

You still get free parking at Lyon Part Dieu Station, whether your car is hired or not and whether you're away for two days or two weeks. At the end of the hire period, you will receive a payment depending on the number of kilometres covered during the hire period and the age and make of your car. If there’s an accident, the repairs are covered by our insurance and your no-claims bonus is unaffected. If you get a notice for a motoring offence, the hirer is responsible in the eyes of the authorities and the hire contract acts as proof. The Tripndrive car park is located within the Effia car park at Lyon Part Dieu Station and can be simply accessed by taking a ticket.

Like thousands of others, you will enjoy free parking while renting out your car with no risk.

Offer my car

Any questions? We can help you.

du lundi au vendredi, de 8H à 19H, vous pouvez compter sur notre réactivité.