Cheap car rental at Lyon Part-Dieu station

  • Less expensive as it the car belongs to another individual
  • Transparent - there are no hidden costs
  • Simple - we manage the rental process
  • Safe - MAIF insures you against all risks during your rental
park illustration

Cars to rent at Lyon Part-Dieu station

Opel Corsa
Already rented
Opel Corsa
Already rented
Opel Corsa
Already rented

Where is our office near Lyon Part-Dieu ?

Tripndrive's Address

EFFIA Lyon Villette
68, rue Maurice Flandrin

Opening hours

7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
6:00 AM to 9:00 PM
6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Pick-up and transfer

From Lyon Part-Dieu, you can reach our parking lot on foot in 7 minutes.

All the formalities are completed on the website
Therefore, the hand-over process will be very rapid on your day of departure.

We recommend that you arrive at Lyon Part-Dieu 27 minutes before the desired time.

100 m
© Mappy | 2014 TomTom

How does renting a car at Lyon Part-Dieu station work?

Are you coming to Lyon Station on your next trip and are you looking for a way to continue your journey after you get there? Would low-cost car hire help? Look no further. Tripndrive is a service that offers you the chance to hire a privately-owned car cheaply, entrusted to us while the owner is away. Not only is the car hire cheap, it is insured comprehensively by ALLIANZ, our partner. 24/7 roadside assistance is systematically included in the event of breakdown or accident. In short, Tripndrive is a smart service that makes the best use of cars for everyone.

The service works by pre-booking only. You can't just come and book a car at the counter. To do this you can make your booking online via our website, by smartphone or by phone to our call centre. We are unable to help you if you haven't booked before you arrive at Lyon Part Dieu Station. Our customer services also need to check your documents (driving licence, identity card or other proof of identity and bank card) before you arrive. This is a safer way to do things for the owner and makes the service faster for you when you arrive. There will be no queuing and paperwork on the spot. We will take (but not charge) a security deposit before you arrive using the same bank card as when you booked. When you arrive at Gare de Lyon Part Dieu, you should go to the reception in the EFFIA car park. The agent will check your driving licence and your bank card and then hand you the keys to the vehicle. The service operates 24/7 to make your travel simple and economical.

Like thousands of others, enjoy safe, low-cost car rental.

Book a car

Any questions? We can help you.

du lundi au vendredi, de 8H à 19H, vous pouvez compter sur notre réactivité.