Cheap car rental near Nantes Atlantique airport.

  • Less expensive as it the car belongs to another individual
  • Transparent - there are no hidden costs
  • Simple - we manage the rental process
  • Safe - MAIF insures you against all risks during your rental
park illustration

Cars to rent near Nantes Atlantique airport.

Renault Clio
Already rented
Citroen C3
Already rented
Renault Clio
Already rented

Where is our office near Nantes Atlantique ?

Tripndrive's Address

Parkandtrip Nantes
2 Route de l'Aérodrome

Opening hours

6:00 AM to 10:30 PM
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM
6:00 AM to 10:30 PM

Pick-up and transfer

You'll be transferred via our free shuttle in 5 minutes.

All the formalities are completed on the website
Therefore, the hand-over process will be very rapid on your day of departure.

We recommend that you arrive at Nantes Atlantique 25 minutes before the desired time.

1 km
© Mappy | 2014 TomTom

How does renting a car near Nantes Atlantique work?

With Tripndrive you can take advantage of locationlow-cost car hirepas chère l'at Nantes Atlantique Airport. Tripndrive allows you to hire cars that belong to other private individuals who have left their cars with us while they take their own trips. The car owners don't pay for their car parking, while making their car available to other travellers. Thanks to this intelligent and innovative service, we can offer the lowest car hire prices on the market. Our rentals include fully comprehensive insurance and breakdown cover with accident recovery across the board. You can rent and relax!

Are you looking for a simple, money-saving way to hire a car?

Make the leap and give us a try - you'll be glad you did. The service is simple and fast making mobility accessible to everyone and reinventing the concept of car hire. Once your plane lands, a text messages reminds you of the number to call. Once you've collected your luggage, our partner at Nantes Atlantique Airport will pick you up in just a few minutes. You'll be handed the keys to your car at our reception, and you'll drive away carefully in a car that belongs to another private individual.

Once you've arrived, there's no paper chase, and no waiting: we take care of everything before you arrive.

Aphotographic condition reportprovides you with reassurance that you have a trustworthy picture of the vehicle's condition at the start of the hire.

The tripndrive service is open whenever the airport is, from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., 365 days per year.

Like thousands of others, enjoy safe, low-cost car rental.

Book a car

Any questions? We can help you.

du lundi au vendredi, de 8H à 19H, vous pouvez compter sur notre réactivité.